With the arrival of the cold seasons, we should talk about vaccionation.
As the cold season approaches, members of the Lisbon_AHA Network gathered to address common myths and facts about vaccination. Bridging the generational gap, this initiative brought together fourth-year medical students from NOVA Medical School and adults aged 50+ for an open discussion on vaccination and its importance.

The afternoon began with a stirring theatrical performance by the Drama Group from Academia Sénior de Arroios, addressing common fears surrounding vaccination in a way that was both humorous and serious. This was followed by a ‘breaking down myths’ session on vaccination led by medical students. The event concluded with an engaging, dynamic conversation, where questions, doubts, and answers flew around the room.

This was the first of two scheduled sessions for this event, which is expected to reach over 100 participants – including students from NOVA Medical School, members of Academia Sénior, Day Care centers from the Lisbon region, and others interested in joining. The next session is set for November 13th, and registration is still open here. Participation is free of charge.
This initiative was co-organized by NOVA Medical School, the Comprehensive Health Research Centre (CHRC), Junta de Freguesia de Arroios, the Academia Sénior de Arroios, and Lisbon_AHA.