About Us

Lisbon AHA is a EIP-AHA reference site for the region of Lisbon, born in a bottom-up logic, since entities individually began to develop initiatives promoting active and healthy ageing and felt the need to develop a common strategy for the region.

Lisbon AHA will be led by NOVA University of Lisbon, and bring together several institutions from different quarters of the society: public administration/health providers, universities and research, companies, and representatives of civil society.

By using a quadruple helix model of innovation, all the stakeholders participates and shares knowledge between them leveraging new solutions for ageing actively and healthy in a faster and more meaningfull way.

Lisbon AHA ecosystem is divid into 4 thematic cluster.

1. Health Management and Promotion

Promoting a shift from reactive disease to anticipatory care and community-based prevention, as well empower populations to manage their health and disease treatment.

2. Independent Living

Create cost-effective products and services that facilitate the stay-at-home, with safety and quality, promote the satisfaction of needs, and help the Digital Inclusion.

3. Integrated care

Focus on providing a person-centred care to older people with chronic conditions, foreseeing improvements in quality of life through adapting social responses to different patterns of needs, and the articulation of home support services with health services using ICTs.

4. Age friendly environment

Contributes to a more inclusive society, combating social isolation, ensuring the conditions for social participation, combating violence promoting access to goods and services, mobility and accessibility.

Our goals

Improving the health and quality of life of people living in Metropolitan Area of Lisbon, with a focus on older people;

Supporting the long-term sustainability and efficiency of health and social care systems;

Enhancing the competitiveness of regional industry through business and expansion in new markets.

Lisbon AHA works daily for a better health ecosystem in the region of Lisbon, creating strategies that are preparatory to the future, solving installed problems and verified trends, preventing the impact of the currently disruptive sociodemographic changes that are taking place, specifically the demands for an active and healthy ageing using major technological advances.

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